ANKUR DON BOSCO is a voluntary educational initiative of the school for the poorer children of the neighborhood and for those who could not continue schooling for one reason or other. The aim of ANKUR DON BOSCO is to provide a standardized curriculum which is equivalent to the regular morning school, using the same classrooms and other facilities as the students of the morning session. Daily classes begin at 3:00 p.m. with a prayer followed by physical exercises. Children are taught Maths, English and Hindi -spoken and written proficiency is imperative. Basic knowledge of health and hygiene is also provided. Activities like art are also conducted to help foster appreciation for nature – as well as enhance the fun element with colors. Oral exercises are conducted which aim at creating an awareness of the society and the environment. The focus at all times is on building up clean habits – a sense of discipline – as well as nurture development of good communication skills. Much importance is given to recitation of poems, short stories that inculcate values and to ensure a joyous ambient in the classroom so that the inspiration to learn is enhanced everyday.

Origin & Current Status
The education of slum dwellers in Alaknanda began with a
humble number of 40 in February, 1999. The dwellers of Dakshinpuri also got
included in the later months and the number rose to over 300 as on 31st
December, 2002. The education is free of any cost. Besides, children of
Alaknanda, JJ Colony, Dakshinpuri are provided free transport to attend the
school. All writing materials and text books, food, uniforms, shoes etc. are
arranged by the school in collaboration with the parents of morning session children.
Seven teachers are given remuneration, while, Ms. Seema Singhal, is honorary
full time coordinator. The Senior students of day school render two days of
voluntary service and assist the students of Ankur school in their studies.
Expectations from the Project
Children attain self-confidence; develop a sense of
belonging with deep self-respect. Academically, the beneficiaries become more
proficient and are motivated to achieve, at least strive to be at par with the
children of the affluent. They are made aware of the evils of the society, like
alcoholism and drugs with a view of eradicating these evils and form a better
society and live with human values.

Sustainability and Reliability
The project is sustainable as the management, day school
teachers, students and their parents are very cooperative both by the way of
sponsoring material needs and by offering voluntary services. The school
provides all the infrastructural facilities of the school required after 1:30
p.m in order to ensure quality education.
New Initiative launched
Seeing the eagerness of many teenagers who were not
fortunate to complete schooling Don Bosco School has extended its program to
the drop outs. Hence, classes for students of the Open School have also begun.
Many have already passed out with flying colors.

We will be glad to welcome all those who would like to join
hands with us to help out these gifted children to become their best either
through contributions or voluntary service. You may contact the school
principal by dialing 011-45517170,41644924 / e-mail