Don Bosco School

Don Bosco School
Alaknanda , New Delhi -110019


Don Bosco School Investiture Ceremony for Seniors, 2024-25

The Investiture Ceremony of Don Bosco School, Alaknanda was held on 2 May, 2024 with great solemnity and grandeur. This prestigious event marked the formal induction of the newly  elected  student  council  members,  class  monitors  and  vice-monitors  into  their respective positions of leadership and responsibility.

The ceremony commenced with a solemn invocation, followed by the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the Rector and Principal, Rev. Father Hemlet Kujur, the Vice-Principal, Rev Father Sajin Varghese and other dignitaries. An audio-visual presentation on the spirit of leadership and teamwork set the apt note for the day. As the school band played the beats, the newly elected school council displayed a processional march forward, bearing the school and house flags, securing their position up on the stage. Scripture reading and Prayer of Petition established the spiritual temperament for the members of the student council, the monitors and vice-monitors, preparing them to shoulder their roles and responsibilities.

The Principal, Rev. Father Hemlet Kujur, delivered the welcome address, highlighting the significance of leadership and the role of student leaders in upholding the values and ethos of the school. He commended the newly elected leaders for their dedication and commitment to serve  their  school and  encouraged  them to  lead  by  example  and  inspire  their  peers  to excellence. This was followed by the Preliminary Questions for the leaders and the solemn Oath of Office.  Investiture of the student council members, class monitors and vice monitors continued with their adornment with badges of office and respective sashes by the Principal and the Vice Principal.

A soul-illuminating candle lighting ceremony, against the tunes of Showers of Blessings, was observed to reinstate the importance of leadership, integrity, and service in shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.

This solemn revelry concluded with a heart-felt Vote of Thanks, expressing gratitude to the Rector and Principal, the Vice Principal, the Administrator, the dignitaries, the student body, the faculty members, the staff and the parent community. As the School Anthem was sung by one and all in chorus, its melodious rendition filled the hall with the Bosconian spirit, honour and pride.

Debanjana Sinha Roy


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